
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My life has not gone the way I have wanted it to. From a young age, I held a specific idea of where I wanted to be as an adult. My idea: married with kids, or at least ready to have kids, a good paying job, and my own house all by the time I was 25. Perhaps this idea came from all of those Disney movies I watched growing up, or maybe it was from what I saw in church. Everyone lived this way. As a Christian woman, this is what I was supposed to strive for.

As you can probably tell, my life did not go according to plan. By the time I was 25, I was single, childless, and I had just quit my job to go on the World Race. I felt broken in many ways, and was not anywhere close to accomplishing the dream I had for myself. 

And then came the disappointment. I was only getting older, surely no man would want to pursue me. I had nothing to offer, no money to my name, and was still healing from old wounds I should have already been healed from. I was well into my Race when I came to realize something. And it was not something I would have wanted to know as a child holding onto this dream. 

It may never happen for me. I may never get to fall in love. I may never get to walk down the aisle towards my husband. I may never get to have children. I may never get to be a mother. The life I have always wanted may always just be a dream. And to some degree, I have to be okay with that. Because my identity is not held in those things. 

My worth and value as a woman or as a person is not held in what the world expects me to become. It is not held in what I have always wanted to be. I am whole right now as a single woman because of Jesus. He is where my identity is. And if I never get to step into those roles, my value and worth does not change. Although my heart deeply desires to have these things, I would rather follow God and serve His people than be a wife and a mother. 

These desires are not bad. They are good. But I have to be content with laying them down and never getting to experience them if God asks me to. I am now 27, and am still not close to getting married or having a family. I still ache for those things. But I know that right now, I am exactly where I should be. And perhaps someday I will get to have those things. Maybe they’re even closer than I think. But in this moment, I am content. 

God will sometimes ask us to lay down our desires. And maybe they are good desires. But we have to come to accept that our value and God’s goodness is not dependent on if we get to have the things we long for. God is still God, and He is still good. And you are still loved and seen and valued whether or not your dreams come to pass. 


How you can be praying for me:

  1. My squad – We will soon be leaving to do a domestic outreach. Some of us will go to Kentucky for disaster relief, and the other half (where I’ll be) will be in North Carolina to work with a local ministry. Pray for open and willing hearts. Pray the Lord will bless and anoint our time there, and that hearts will be changed. 
  2. My co-leaders – Pray for rest and refreshment. Pray we would be filled so that we can pour out. 
  3. Fundraising – Pray into supporting me as I continue in leading and discipleship. Join my prayer team in interceding for me through my ministry. Prayer is powerful and does more than we could ever imagine. Please also pray into supporting me financially. By giving, you help fund my ministry and are a part of allowing me to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

6 responses to “This Wasn’t My Plan”

  1. You are so wise to lay your dreams down, Hannah.
    To be in a place of surrender (and thankfulness), before God, is the key to happiness.
    Your heavenly father loves you deeply. He’s the one who has planted the true desire for a family in your heart; He’s the one who will bring it to pass.
    He is creating, in you, the potential to be the most precious wife and mother.
    You can let go of all expectations for your life, and trust the Lord, because He loves you.
    His plans for you are always for good.
    (From Jeremiah 29:11.)
    I love you and I am truly blessed to witness the God of the universe as He tenderly cares for you!

  2. Wow Zim! You will be such a beautiful, loving, faithful wife and mother. The Lord is the One who placed these desires in your heart, so I’m believing they will come to pass. Your surrendered life to HIM is the most BEAUTIFUL thing….I know that is pleases Him so much! Praying always!

  3. So raw & vulnerable & wise & true. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him”!!!

  4. Zim, thank you for your honesty and vulnerability! God sees you and has given you the desires of your heart. He will bring the right Godly man to fulfill your desire when His timing is perfect. Praying for you as you lead your team to have God’s wisdom, discernment, and strength as you serve.

  5. Wow Hannah, feels like I am reading some of my story. Just wish I came to the conclusion Jesus is enough when I was 27 and not by the age I did. Thank you for sharing.
    Your strength and ‘settlement’ in Jesus is shining through you. Laying down our own desires can be very painful… but its worldly… Spiritually its an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.
    Love you,
    Once again thanks for sharing…was a great reminder in the space I am in now.